Poissons et crustacés

Visballen Boulette de poisson Fish ball 50 x 200 g

Gebakken tofu met vis To fou surimi de poisson Fried fish tofu cake 50 x 200 g

Viscaken naruto maki Gâteau de poisson naruto maki Fishcake naruto maki 100 x 160 g

Pangas moten Pangas en tranches (basa) Pangas steaks 12 x 800 g

Meerval Poisson chat Catfish 12 x 800 g

Tilapia (700-up) Tilapia entier Vide Tilapia whole cleaned 1 x 8 kg

Visfilet / Cha Cá That Lat Filet notopterus Grey featherback meat 24 x 400 g

Slakvlees Chair d'escargot Apple snail meat 24 x 400 g

Abalone (size 4-5) 24 x 425 g

Gesneden inktvis in ananasvorm Seiche matsukasa Cuttlefish matsukasa 12 x 800 g

Pijlinktvis Tube d'encornet Squid whole cleaned 12 x 800 g

Hele inktvis Seiche entier Whole baby squid 24 x 400 g

Inktvishoofd Tête de seiche Cuttlefish head 12 x800 g

Pijlinktvishoofd Tête d'encornet Squid head 24 x 500 g

Baby garnalen Petites crevettes entières Baby shrimps 40 x 250 g

Blauwe krab L Crabes coupé L Blue crab L 12 x 800 g